Why aren't property portals trying to Whatsapp number database eliminate agents and become virtual middlemen? A property portal provides a platform for a seller and a buyer to interact (A seller can be an owner, builder or agent). If we eliminate agents from this equation, portals are left with a C2C platform with property owners being the only Whatsapp number database source of inventory. Though many prefer a scenario like this, we need to figure out how the platform provider is going to monetize from this setup.
They have the following Whatsapp number database options - Listing fees - They can collect a fee from the owner/seller to list their property. There are few owners who're willing to pay for premium listings (last time I checked, about 5% of owners listing online were willing to Whatsapp number database pay) but this is simply not enough to sustain the business. Indian consumers are ready to use a service that is free (free listings) OR pay for a service once it's rendered (brokerage) but are not OK with anything in between. Charge property seekers to get owner information - Another option would be to Whatsapp number database to charge property seekers a fee to give them information about the owner who's listed.
This also isn't a sustainable option Whatsapp number database is because owners who list online tend to list on multiple portals and you can always find a portal that gives you the owner's information for free. Brokerage fee when the deal is closed - This would be a great monetization scheme that everyone would be willing to pay for, but is very hard to the Whatsapp number database to implement. To do this, portals need to keep track of every deal that closes offline and that would be next to the Whatsapp number database impossible.
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